I really don't want to do this, but I am going to do the whole self promotion thing. If you read my blog please subscribe, I promise it is not about wanting a lot of subscribers, it is more that I would like to know who you are. I know that some of you I know in person, but I think that some of you are from outside of the U.S.A. and so I doubt I know you. And even if you are in the U.S.A. it is quite possible that I don't know you. If you have found my blog because you were googling pictures of Marvel characters you may be turned off from reading this because of all the Harry Potter stuff I am posting now, but I promise there will be more Marvel stuff to come (hint: I will be talking a little about what I heard at the X-Men: Regenesis panel I heard at NYCC). And for those of you who like Doctor Who or music or anything else, there will be a lot more random stuff to come. And if you are here from You're A Tulle this isn't really fashion-y but feel free to see if you like this. So follow me or at least let me know what you want to hear about.
I also have a twitter account, BatBogeyQueen, so feel free to check on that! I don't use it a huge amount, but it does give some insight in to me, and sometimes some cool stuff.
I will really try not to do any more self promotion any time soon. This is honestly so I know who you are and what you want hear about. Please comment. And as a last act of self indulgence, share this with people you think will be interested!
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