Saturday, July 23, 2011


Ok, look, I know I haven't posted in a while and I know that it is super late to be talking about Harry Potter (Well, that is according to anyone who is a part time HP fan, aka someone who is only obsessed with this wonderful story when a knew book or movie comes out, when it is declared "hip")  but to me, someone who takes the classifications "Superfan" as an understatement, it is never too late to talk about The Boy Who Lived.  Because I feel that superfan is a tad offensive, as it doesn't do justice to my Potter obsession I decided to look up some possible names for the fan base of one of the best stories ever.  Here are some I found (they are in no real order):

  • Wiznerds
  • Potterphiles
  • Harry Heads
  • Pot-Heads (Stupid Twi-Hards use it because they think it insults us, but really I just find it amusing)
  • And of course Muggles
Let me know your favorite.
But on we go.  I'm sure that you all have seen the latest and final installment of the most epic series ever. And of course I saw it as soon as possible aka at 12:01 on the day it came out.  And I dressed up.  It will be rare for me to show you all pictures of me but here is a rare pic of me, I'm the one on your right.  The one on the left is my friend who I always call Fabrizio, but her more common nickname is Dellye.

And as the most obsessed of you should know, the Pottermore challenge is coming up.  On July 31st, Harry's birthday and in fact my friend Fabrizio's as well, J.K. Rowling is offering the first 1 million people to complete the challenge  the opportunity to gain early access to the Pottermore website, while all the rest of the fans have to wait until October.  The website will include audio tapes and e-books, but most importantly it will include new info on the world of the wonderful wizards.  And unfortunately the only clue she gave us is "Follow the owl."
If I am lucky enough to get a chance to see the site I will be happy to tell you all about it.  And if you have any insight into the clue left for us let me know.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Summers With The X-Men

I was thinking today, what with summer here and all, about the X-Men from Marvel Comics that I would most like to spend my summer with.  Yeah, I know its sounds silly, but this is just the type of thing that goes through my head.  So here goes, a list of the top five powers or characteristics possessed by X-Men that would most benefit my summer:

5) At number five we have the ability to fly.  With flight I could generate a welcome breeze whenever I felt like it which is something I really need when I was in Spain, but more on that later.  The perfect example of this is the super flyer (Arch)Angel.

4) As every New Yorker knows, the subway in the summer is not fun.  It is a blob of people who just spent half an hour waiting on a hot airless platform.  That is why for number four I have chosen teleportation.  No need to try and cram yourself in between the fat guy that clearly doesn't know what deodorant is and the woman who is all elbows, yet still yells at you when you try to keep that pointy joint out of your rib.  Because of all of that I have chosen Nightcrawler.

3) I know that during my summer I really just like to collapse on my couch, and getting up do do anything is just a chore I'm not up to which is why I have chosen telekinesis for number three.  And the perfect example of telekinesis is the lovely Jean Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix.  She doesn't need to roll out of bed to turn off the light or turn up the AC.  Plus having telekinesis would be quite useful in moving furniture to block my door in an effort to keep my family from entering my room, especially now that my sister is home from college.

2) Lets not forget about Iceman.  I mean no one can cool down a hot day like an omega level mutant whose ability is to freeze anything.  If I had his abilities I would save SO much on electric bills because I would have absolutely no need for fans or air conditioning.  Plus I HATE heat.  My room is always super cold, so if I could turn myself into organic ice I would never have to be warm.

1) And the power I would choose first is... weather manipulation, just like Storm.  With her your day at the beach would never be ruined.  If it is too cloudy she can just focus and clear up the sky, or if it is too hot she can just create a cool breeze.  And you can always have the perfect weather, no matter what.  I really really need her powers.  I mean in a way she combines the cooling power of Iceman (number 2) and the flying powers of Angel (number 5) as well as adding the ability to bring out the sun.  No wonder she is considered a goddess in the deserts of Africa.

Let me know what your choice list of powers to use in summer would be.
P.S. I know that the title implies that at least one of the energy blasting boys (Cyclops, Havoc or Vulcan) would be featured on my list, but their powers just don't scream useful in summer.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sorry For Nothing In Two Weeks

I was in Spain for two weeks, and unfortunately, I was without my lovely computer Rose (me and my friends all name our computers, and mine is named after the super awesome amazing perfect companion to the Ninth and Tenth Doctors).   I traveled around Spain starting in Barcelona then Granada, Cordoba, Seville, Ronda and ending in Madrid.  I will later give much longer much more detailed writings on my trip but right now it is six in the morning and I am only posting because I was looking at my friend Fabrizio's (like I said before, that is nowhere even close to her name) blog You're A Tulle, and saw that she had posted A LOT when I hadn't posted anything.  So I posted this to ease my guilt.  More to come soon.