Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Note To New Nerdfighter

Or A Note To Those Who Like Books By John Green

To Whom It May Concern,
         First, I hope you like this book; I like this book.  If you didn't like this book well that is ok, I hope you like other books, the only thing is that this message isn't for you.  If you did like this book, you should know that the author of this novel has a video blog-or vlog- with his brother  I am a supporter of this vlog, known as a Nerdfighter (we fight for nerds, not against them), and I want to share this enjoyable enterprise with you. 
         There are some videos that you should watch and I will add links here: a Nerdfighter FAQ: and a playlist of Vlogbrothers' videos to watch:
         But really, I know you don't want to have to type these out, so I will be posting this entire note on my blog and on my tumblr  Now I am not asking you to follow me or anything like that, that would be self-indulgent, and I am not striving for that.  I just want you to watch the Vlogbrothers' videos with as much ease as possible.  I hope you find something that you like, because Nerdfighters make up an awesome community and I hope you become a part of it.  I would appreciate it if you would in some way let me know that you have received this message, so just add a comment or something.  I just want to know this book, and my note as well, made it into good hands
         Don't Forget To Be Awesome and Best wishes! (You will get why these phrases are important if you watch the videos)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ma Petite Belle for YouTube

Ok, so recently I have posted nothing, which means now I give you stupid excuses like I have been really busy with life and school, which is true, but the reason I have barely posted anything in months is that I have been getting really into the idea of vlogging rather than blogging.  Vlogging is making videos that are just like blogs posts but videos.  I am working on some of these so they should be up soon and I will let you know when they are up, and where to find them as they come out.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Need Your Help

I am taking part of a contest and need your help.  Please vote for me here.  You can vote three times so please do.  Share with your friends and family and anyone else, even if you don't really like them, you can even share them with your fellows in the geeky fan group of your choice.  Really, just share.  I could use your help so I am counting on you!  Thank you all.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Four Eyes And Bowties

I am sorry for not getting to World Cup Day 2 but I have been kinda busy with a new project I am starting. It is called Four Eyes And Bowties and it is a vlog attached to a blog that I am doing with three of my friends.  It will even more geeky than this.  The vlog/blog is going to be mainly me, and my friends Lola (Lorm) and Maxine, with help from Odelia (Fabrizio of You're A Tulle) who will be doing the fashion aspects of geekyness.  I will be making vlogs on Mondays so look out for that.
The YouTube channel is foureyesandbowties.
And our blog is Four Eyes And Bowties.
Check it out, it is really cool.
I am sorry if this takes up a large portion of my time but I will still do this.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quidditch World Cup (Day One)

OH MY GOD IT WAS AMAZING!  I had an awesome time.  All of the people I met were incredibly nice (mostly Potterheads, as well as some Whovians and Nerdfighters, which was so awesome).

They were really disorganized, which I suppose is to be expected, given the fact that this was the largest World Cup by a large margine.  And because of the disorganization the teams competing knew more about what to do and where to go, and thus the position of Team Liaison (which had been my job) was scrapped and those volunteers were sent elsewhere.  That ended up being pretty ok, because I was sent to ticketing, where I met a bunch of super nice girls, two of whom were Whovians and one had flown in all the way from England to attend.  We all discussed Hedwig's Theme and Chameleon Circuit, which was awesome.

After ticketing, I was sent to do some odd errands which was cool.  I got to see parts of a bunch of matches.  I did that for a while, but was then sent to Pitch 5, because they were in desperate need of a Runner (someone who gets things, and occasionally people, for the Field Director, and after matches, delivers the score cards to HQ).  That was really fun, because I ended up watching the matches played there, and in between games running the scorecards.  It was pretty cool, and I saw some amazing matches.  After a while of Running, the Field Director at my Pitch decided to leave in the middle of her shift, and passed the job on to me.  That was really stressful, as I had no idea what I was supposed to do, as I had never been trained or properly shown what to do.  Luckily all of the people at my field were super nice and very helpful.

While doing those jobs, I saw some amazing Snitching.  I got to see Rainey Johnson, the original Snitch, at work.  He was great!  He did a cartwheel into a one handed cartwheel into a handspring, all while avoiding the Seekers.  Now THAT is talent.  I also saw quite a few Snitches steal things from players.  I saw so many Snitches take headbands, which are required to distinguish positions, and without which one cannot play.  I also saw a Snitch take a broom and the Quaffle during a break in a game.  Later on I saw a different Snitch steal a Seeker's broom and throw it over a hill and then run off laughing.  I also noticed that Snitches like to hang out in packs, so as to confuse the Seekers, and protect each other.

I also injuries left and right.  I saw at least three bloody noses, and a bloody Quaffle.  I know that at the Pitch one over someone dislocated their shoulder.  There was also at least one concussion, and I believe someone taken out on a stretcher.

On a lighter note, the performances were amazing.  There were so many of the greatest Wrock bands.  Some of the people there included: Snidget, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Lauren Fairweather, The Whomping Willows, Lily and James, and many others.  However my personal favorite was the Potion Master's Corner with Snape and Bellatrix (aka Joe Moses and Britney Coleman) from A Very Potter Musical!  IT WAS AMAZING!  They were hilarious, and really nice, and really great!  I hope they come back next year.

I would just like to note that all of the IQA staff were super nice, as were the volunteers.  It was so nice to help out with something like this.  The community that Quidditch has gathered is incredible.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Version Of A World Cup (Quidditch World Cup Part 1)

This weekend will be the fifth annual Quidditch World Cup and I will be volunteering there.  I am so excited!
Here is some background on the World Cup and the IQA in general

  • The Quidditch World Cup is organized by the IQA or International Quidditch Association  (here is a link to there website)
  • "Muggle Quidditch" was invented by Xander Manshel while he was attending Middlebury
  • The IQA was created in 2010
  • It is now run mainly by Alex Benepe, a board of directors and a group of volunteers
  • More history here
  • The IQA's mission is to foster Creativity, Community and Competition

  • The IQA has a full series of rules which I won't cover, but if you are interested here is the rulebook
  • Just so you know, Quidditch is BRUTAL, it is no game for the faint of heart or the weak of constitution
Tickets are still on sale if you think you can come.  If not, come next year.  There will be more during (possibly) and after (definitely) the World Cup, because I will be working both Saturday and Sunday as a team liaison.
If you can't attend the World Cup you can watch the live stream here (I am 90% sure).
You can also follow World Cup updates at @QuiddWorldCup and the IQA at @MuggleQuidditch.
I am super excited, and will try to have pictures but I am really bad at this type of stuff.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Man Behind The Tollbooth

This past Sunday I went to an event celebrating the 50th anniversary of one of my favorite books, The Phantom Tollbooth.  At the event Norton Juster, the author of the wonderful book, spoke to us about his life and his writing.
Here is a picture of him (I didn't take it)

He was so jolly and hilarious and really clever.  He signed my book and it was AMAZING.  He was really clever, and told us all about how he started out as an architect (yes that is your fact for the day).  It was INCREDIBLE
I promise that the next post will be Halloween (or I will push that one back again).  Ok, well more later.
Let me know which authors you would like to meet! Also do you have any questions? Let me know